Created in 1979, PPP international has exported all over the world all kind of industrial supplies and has provided assistance as "PROCUREMENT AGENCY" to many overseas construction projects, private contractors, investors and entrepreneurs as well as governemental agencies. Our group has today good expertise on main industrial actors and makers in Europe and in the world.. We work PROMPTLY, PRECISELY ( according with customers standards) in PROSPECTION permanently with this mooving competitive international industrial world. PPP International has supplied during 43 years construction materials: to civil, electrical and mechanical projects; transportation equipements such as tractors, heavy duty trailors, water tankers, as well complete TURN-KEY PREFABRICATION UNITS in middle east ... Provide assistance as "PROCUREMENT AGENTS" to your construction overseas projects. Experts into site equipements, materials, technologies, and industrial equipements. We select best "quality + priced" products into our DATA-BASIS to meet your requirements Engineers and specialists with skilled and experienced people at your service. With customers since 43 years in Middle-East, South America, South East Asia, Africa... PPP international49, rue Cambronne - 75015 Paris
Tel : 331 53 69 90 03 Fax : 331 53 69 90 04 Mail :
Emmanuel de Grancey Born in Paris 1953 , Partner, main shareholder and director.
1974 - International Business Law ( Paris 1 - SORBONNE University )
1977 - Graduated MASTER EUROPEAN BUSINESS SCHOOL ( Paris - London - Frankfurt ). 1978 - Financial planner at Construction ADOLPHO LINDENBERG - Sao-Paulo- BRAZIL. 1979 - **Chargé de Mission** at FRENCH EMBASSY - Seoul - SOUTH KOREA. 1980 - *Procurement Director* for KS EQUIPEMENT à Paris ( Procurement agency ). 1980- Becomes PARTNER of PPP INTERNATIONAL , creates and developes with its expertise a real export network overseas for French and Europeens industries.
French - English - Portuguese - Spanish - German.
Christian Joubert Born in Boulogne 1957, Partner share holder, specialist International logistics.
1980- Graduated from Assas University Economical Sciences ( Licenced in Economics ).
1981- Graduated from E.D.C. Business School ( International Marketing Specialist ). 30 years of experience in International Forwarding, Shipping Consulting. Expertise in Saudi-Arabia - UAE - China and Western African Markets. Is cooperating as consultant to PPP INTERNATIONAL. French - English - Spanish. Technical advisorsNos partenaires techniquesUne équipe d'architectes dynamiques et très créative, sachant allier les
compétences d'autres métiers pour concevoir et bâtir dans un plus grand
respect de la ville et de l'environnement de vos projets. En partenariat avec PPP INTERNATIONAL sur base de "devis", la société IBSE ingénierie se charge de réaliser pour vos projets les études suivantes:
Afin de définir conjointement les besoins exacts en "matériels" de vos projets qui seront exportés sur site par PPP INTERNATIONAL. SOFIOM (Société française des Ingénieurs d’Outre-Mer) L'association constituée d'un réservoir d'ingénieurs ayant une expérience importante à l'expatriation : se charge de la promotion du "savoir faire français Outre Mer" et met à disposition de vos projets des ingénieurs qualifiés désireux de s'expatrier dans le cadre de projets à définir conjointement avec l'exportateur PPP INTERNATIONAL. Procurement - Exports - Financing - Engineering - Projet
management - Technical services